Motorcycle Statistics for Accidents and Crashes
Motorcycle accidents, while not inherently as prevalent as other types of vehicle collisions, could be more frightening and fatal. They could, however, be induced by some unusual situations. Several investigations and surveys have unearthed some fascinating facts and figures regarding motorcycle crashes.
Understanding these motorcycle statistics for accidents and crashes might help keep your beloved ones secure.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Almost two-thirds of all numerous car crashes are caused by the opposing vehicle inadvertently breaching the motorcycle’s right of way. This is frequently owing to the opposing driver’s failure to perceive the approaching motorcycle. If you ride a motorcycle, enhance your visibility to reduce your likelihood of being involved in a crash. Use motorbike headlamps throughout the day, don prominent or reflective apparel (including orange or bright yellow jackets), and make sure the front of your motorbike is seen to other cars.
- A startling majority of motorbike crashes (92%) include drivers who have not received proper motorcycle safety instruction. These inexperienced motorcyclists are also less willing to don helmets, increasing their danger of injury and death. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that donning a helmet reduces the probability of death in a motorcycle accident by 37%.
- Motorcycle accidents happen more commonly in the first few moments of short rides involving shopping, errands, or friends than in long travels. Even if your travel is brief, it is critical to remain vigilant and use proper safety equipment.
- Age is a factor in motorcycle accidents. Riders aged 20 to 29, as well as those aged 50 to 59, are the most prone to be victims of motorcycle crashes. These figures show that the incompetence of new, unskilled motorcyclists and the “creaky” capabilities of middle-aged motorcyclists who have not ridden for years could play a role in very many accidents.
- High-performance bikes are more likely to become involved in accidents. These motorcycles are designed for speed but have been converted for street use, and their fast speeds could be dangerous. Drivers of these ‘hyper cycles’ are four times more prone than operators of normal motorbikes to be killed in a crash.
- Alcohol is involved in about half of all fatal motorcycle crashes. Motorcyclists under the influence exhibit substantial crash avoidance issues, including over or under-braking and an incapacity to successfully counter-steer or swerve. Whereas these statistics might not even come as a shocker, it is worth emphasizing: do not ever drink and drive, regardless of whether you are operating a motorcycle or car.
- Motorcyclists who do not wear protective eyewear are more inclined to be involved in accidents. Unsecured eyes are more vulnerable to road debris, flying insects, wind, and other factors that might degrade vision and cause delays in reaction time. If you ride a motorcycle without a helmet (illegal in both Carolina and Arizona), you must use at least don protective eyewear.
Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney
The consequences of a motorbike accident could be catastrophic, and navigating the legal system can be difficult. Karnas Law Firm is here to assist victims of motorcycle accidents in obtaining their rightful compensation.
The expert attorneys will aggressively manage your claim and engage with you at every step of the way concerning how your claim is progressing and what you could anticipate next.
To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a knowledgeable Tucson Car Accident Attorney, call the office at (520) 214-8343 or complete the online contact form. Personal injury claims are subject to statutes of limitations, so do not wait — contact Karnas Law Firm right away!