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Who Gets In More Car Accidents?

By Karnas Law Firm |

Who gets in more car accidents? Although men drive more than women, there is a long-running — yet unproven — stereotype that women are “poor drivers” compared to men. The stereotypes and jovial jabs regarding the belief often contribute to passionate disagreements.

If you have sustained injuries or lost a loved one in a car accident caused by another person’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a Car Accident Attorney at Karnas Law Firm, PLLC, today to discuss your case.

Who Gets In More Car Accidents?

         Ø  Men

Arizona Motorcycle Accident an Intersections: Case Study of Hunsaker v. Smith | Karnas Law FirmThere is an evident answer to the age-old question of “Who gets in more car accidents?” More men are involved in accidents than women. In the span of a year, men accounted for 71% of car-accident casualties, whereas women represented 29%. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there are various reasons for this disparity, including:

  • Male drivers generally engage in riskier behavior while behind the wheel, such as not wearing seatbelts, driving while tired or intoxicated. The impairment is likely to cause accidents, and with no seatbelts, men are more likely to die.
  • Men speed more than women- the faster you go behind the wheel, the more the chances of getting into an accident. Speeding is particularly more common in younger men (under 34 years).
  • There are more male drivers than female drivers, and men drive more often on average than women. The more time you spend driving, the higher your risk of an accident, regardless of how careful or cautious you are on the road.

         Ø   Newly Licensed Drivers

people | Karnas Law FirmOld or young, inexperienced drivers have spent less time on the roads. As a result, their driving skills and judgmental abilities in traffic situations are not as well developed as the more experienced motorists.

         Ø  Teenagers

Accident risk is particularly higher for teenagers aged 16 up to 19 years because young drivers lack enough experience on the road.

         Ø  Seniors

Elderly drivers aged above 75 are more likely to die in accidents compared to middle-aged drivers. Reasons for these fatalities may be attributed to physical and cognitive decline with aging, but also, the bodies become more vulnerable in case of injuries.

Find The Help You Need Following A Car Accident

Dog Bites in Arizona: A Strict Liability Tort | Karnas Law FirmAll in all, it doesn’t matter who gets in more car accidents. What is important is what occurs following the accident. Finding the appropriate help is vital in moving forward with your life after a severe accident. Regardless of who was behind the wheel, a car accident can entirely impact your life, especially if you have been severely injured or accumulate substantial medical expenses. 

Karnas Law Firm, PLLC, works relentlessly to fight for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Even though the monetary compensation cannot cover the impact an accident causes on your life, it can help ease the financial burden of running medical bills, surgeries, property damage, pain, and suffering. 

Contact Karnas Law Firm, PLLC, at 520-462-3886 or 928-723-0088 to determine how an experienced car accident attorney can help you claim your damages.

Call Today! (928) 723-0088

Posted in Blog Car accident and tagged Car Accidents